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Antenatal and Post Natal Care

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Antenatal and
Post Natal Care

Areas that need to be checked at Antenatal visits include:

Blood count

Pelvic size and shape

Blood pressure

Mother’s progress

Immunity against infections such as Rubella or Hepatitis that may affect the baby

Cervix (pap smear test)

Baby’s progress (size of uterus, heartbeat, movements)

Blood grouping and Rhesus antibodies (Rh factor)

Urine test (for evidence of diabetes or pre-eclampsia)

Postnatal visits will include:


Mother’s progress

Ability to cope – solutions

Breastfeeding – discuss issues or problems

Overall health and progress


Overall health

Progress and Growth check

Feeding issues or queries

Feel free to discuss any concerns at these visits. Use our simple ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM or call us to make an appointment today.