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Baby and Child Health

Home  /  Liverpool  /  Baby and Child Health

Best Care Medical is a medical centre for your whole family. Our aim is to ensure the best possible, continuing health for your children. Our GP’s can assist with this by maintaining regular check ups and timely immunisations.

Make a list of any questions or concerns you have before your visit

Bring along your child’s Personal Health Record book to record the assessment.

We understand the importance of a parent’s intuition when it comes to the health of their child. If you are concerned about your child, we are happy to assess them for you.

If your child is old enough, consider explaining to them where you are going and why, to ease any anxiety they may have about visiting a clinic.

Our GPs can provide health care and support for you and your children. They can also provide referrals to more specialised health care if required.

All immunisations are provided for your baby or child

Use our simple ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM or call us to make an appointment today.