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Counselling Services

Home  /  Kellyville Ridge  /  Counselling Services

Best Care Medical centres in Western Sydney are proud to promote their GP’s and specialists as having the correct training, as well as the interest and concern in their patients mental health and welfare, to offer counselling services to any patients having trouble coping.

Our team understands the stigma that the need for counselling services can have, and we would strongly suggest that anyone concerned about any life issues they are unable to handle takes the first step towards receiving help by making an appointment so that you can discuss your concerns.

Stresses and worries in our everyday life are more common than most people believe. Sometimes just talking to someone you can trust will make all the difference.

Best Care Medical GP’s can discuss any concerns you have and give you advice on what to do next. After your consultation with a GP, they may:

Diagnose you with a physical condition that can be treated

Advise you to continue seeing your GP for ongoing support and/or treatment and possibly arrange a bulk-billed mental health treatment plan for you.

Refer you to a community-based service for more assistance

Refer you to a mental health specialist for assessment and/or treatment

Don’t put this off any longer, use our simple ONLINE BOOKING SYSTEM or call us to make an appointment today.