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Specialist Skin Clinic

Home  /  Kellyville Ridge  /  Specialist Skin Clinic

Best Care Medical recommends that you have regular skin checks carried out to ensure early detection of skin cancers and melanoma. Any new spots, moles or changing lesions will be noted and monitored. If a suspicious lesion is detected, our skin specialist will discuss treatment options with you and may even be able to remove the fending spot immediately.

SCAN your skin and look for a spot or a mole that is:

Sore – a sore (scaly, itchy, bleeding, tender) that doesn’t heal within 6 weeks

Changing – in appearance (size, shape, colour)

Abnormal – looks unusual, feels different, or stands out when compared to others

New – most melanomas and all other skin cancers arise this way

The Best Care Medical Specialist Skin Clinic also provides general dermatology care which includes diagnosis and treatment of other common skin conditions such as:

Eczema, dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis.

To book in to our specialist skin clinic, use our simple online booking system or call us for an appointment today!